

A collection of 13 issues

New arXiv paper - Characterisation, Selection and Micro-Assembly of Nanowire Laser Systems

Our new paper produce in collaboration with Michael Strain and Antonio Hurtado (University of Strathclyde) and the Jagadish group (Australian National University) is now available on the arXiv. In this work, we combine high-quality nanolaser growth (ANU) with high-throughput optical spectroscopy (Manchester) and high-speed pick-and-place technology (Strathclyde) to demonstrate scaled-up
1 min read

New Publication - Distinguishing cap and core contributions to the photoconductive terahertz response of single GaAs based core–shell–cap nanowire

Our recent work on single-nanowire terahertz detectors has been published in a special issue of the Lithuanian Journal of Physics, celebrating the 70th birthday of Prof. Arunas Krotkus. In this work, Dr Kun Peng used single-nanowire terahertz detectors with different capping to understand the relative contribution of the core and
1 min read