New Paper - Broad Band Phase Sensitive Single InP Nanowire Photoconductive Terahertz Detectors
Kun’s paper “Broad Band Phase Sensitive Single InP Nanowire Photoconductive Terahertz Detectors” has been accepted for publication in Nano Letters. In the work, Kun has fabricated a single nanowire terahertz detector using an InP nanowire, and compared different antenna structures with traditional “bulk” InP detectors.
We have shown the utility of these structures for terahertz detection with a source limited bandwith, opening up possibilities for nanoscale terahertz electronics.
The paper, a collaboration between the University of Oxford Terahertz Photonics Group (Johnston Group), the Australian National University Electronic Materials Engineering Group (Jagadish Group) and the Parkinson Group at the University of Manchester is currently “just accepted”, and available at