New Paper: Optical Characterisation of Nanowire Lasers

Uses of nanowire lasers

Group postdoc Stephen Church and PhD student Ruqaiya Al-Abri collaborated with Dhruv Saxena at Imperial College London to produce a review of methods to characterise nanowire lasers. This article, forming part of a celebration issue for the birthday of colleague Prof. Chennupati Jagadish (at the Australian National University) seeks to address many of the challenges in characterising nanowire lasers that may challenge new researchers to the field.

Reference: Optical characterisation of nanowire lasers, Stephen A. Church, Ruqaiya Al-Abri, Patrick Parkinson and Dhruv Saxena, Prog. Quant. Elec. (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.pquantelec.2022.100408